Introducing Launch Local

Launch Local was started to empower small businesses by helping them adopt the necessary digital infrastructure to sustain their operations and improve sales. Small businesses, the foundation of America’s economy, have been hit hard during COVID-19, and our goal is to work with them to build digital resilience for the inevitable change in customer expectations in the new normal.

We are a group of volunteers looking to empower small businesses and non-profits across the country to build sustainable digital platforms.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, many small businesses across the nation struggled as traffic to their stores dramatically fell. These small businesses, the foundation of America’s economy, unfortunately at times lack the digital expertise and horsepower to stay afloat. We built Launch Local, a two-sided platform, to help small businesses and nonprofits rethink and implement new digital programs. At the same time, Launch Local creates new opportunities for college students, “seeders” as we say, to learn about digital growth and implementation in a way that also gives back to local communities.

Our team comes from consulting to high tech, and we bring our skills together to provide the best impact for local businesses, completely free.


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